ESSIC’s Murtugudde On India Today Group

The Indian news station, India Today Group, interviewed ESSIC’s very own Professor Raghu Murtugudde in a feature package regarding Hurricane Sandy.

The broadcast (in Hindi) pictured Murtugudde perched at a high point during the storm, with a skyline background behind him that showed the effects of the storm in DC/Maryland. Professor Murtugudde mentioned the high pressure of the storm, as well as the recent closings of the New York subway system and the D.C metro system.

This isn’t Professor Murtugudde’s first time being aired on India Today Group. The network has contacted Murtugudde about five times regarding a variety of environmental topics. He has also recently been quoted in the Washington Post regarding Hurricane Sandy.

Murtugudde received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Columbia University in New York.