ESSIC/CICS Scientists Present at AGU & AMS Annual Conferences

ESSIC / CICS-MD scientists actively participated in two recently convened annual societal meetings.

The week-long American Geophysical Union’s (AGU) Fall Meeting (AGU)  held during early December 2018 in Washington, D.C., boasted 1,900 oral and poster sessions, 26,000 abstracts, and 24,000 attendees.  A number of ESSIC/CICS scientists presented talks, including Melissa Kenney, Ross Salawitch, and Dorothy Hall.  (A listing of some of the ESSIC / CICS affiliated participants can be found here.)

ESSIC / CICS-MD Visiting Assistant Research Scientist Scott Rudlosky*  represented the Atmospheric and Space Electricity section at the AGU Centennial Plenary, a series of short featured presentations that represented all 25 AGU sections.

A lightning expert, Rudlosky spoke about how lightning can be found everywhere, from inside clouds to Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.  A recording of this session can be found here (with a log-in) or here on Facebook.

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) held their annual conference during early-January 2019.  The multi-day event, which  recorded similarly large participatory numbers, was held in Phoenix, AZ.  (A listing of some of the ESSIC / CICS affiliated participants can be found here.)

ESSIC / AOSC Professor Zhanqing Li was a featured speaker at the event and provided a Core Science Keynote Presentation. To learn more about the talk, see this ESSIC  highlight.

Click here to see pictures from AGU and AMS.